Political officepress release of Political office

On the Warning Against Partitioning Syria in Kurdish-Majority Areas

Syrian Future Movement…
With our longstanding awareness of the oppression and restrictions endured by our Kurdish brothers – reaching the point of a near-total blockade on all aspects of daily life over more than half a century, which peaked under the Assad family’s rule of Syria – we recognize that they have been denied many fundamental human rights that uphold dignity without insult or prejudice. We also know that in the past, the regime attempted to exploit them, recruiting some as agents in security and intelligence (as it did with all segments of Syrian society). Today, it pursues similar aims by establishing ethnic-based parties disconnected from religious or national principles, arming them to operate in their areas of influence with the intent of achieving intelligence and security agendas aimed at sowing division, weakening unity, fracturing consensus, and prolonging the revolution while undermining the revolutionaries from behind and from within.

The Syrian Future Movement…
appeals to the scholars, the wise, and the thinkers among our Kurdish people – and they are many – to stand united against this project, whose early stages are manifesting in the announcement of a Kurdish government within territories interwoven with various ethnicities and religions, where Arabs and Kurds, Muslims and Christians, live as brothers under one homeland without discrimination.

The Syrian Future Movement…
calls for rejecting division, for division weakens all, and for preventing these projects, which serve only the current regime, following the principle of “Divide and Conquer.”

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