Political officepress release of Political office

On the Bombings in the City of Reyhanlıon the Turkish-Syrian Border

Syrian Future Movement…
The bombings that shook the city of Reyhanlı on the Turkish-Syrian border are nothing less than the beginning of a cold war between the Syrian regime (rooted in criminality) and the Turkish government (a supporter of the Syrian revolution). While some have rushed to point fingers at the Assad regime, we affirm their stance and urge them to extend all fingers of accusation toward the Syrian regime. Those who experienced the years of terror in Lebanon during the Syrian tutelage will recall the series of car bombings and truck explosions. Similarly, Iraq witnessed such scenes whenever tensions escalated between the two countries. The car bombings in Damascus since the start of the revolution until today are no distant memory.
Syrian Future Movement…
It knows with absolute certainty that the Syrian regime now holds a “doctorate” in the art of preparing and dispatching car bombs, assembling explosive devices, and exporting internal crises to its regional surroundings to buy itself time to negotiate with the West and convince them of the so-called “conspiracy.”
Syrian Future Movement…
It announces its solidarity with Turkey—both its people and government—for its noble stances supporting the Syrian people’s quest for freedom and dignity.

Mercy to the martyrs (both Turkish and Syrian) and just retribution for the murderer.

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