On the Bustan Al-Qasr Massacre on the Banks of the Queiq River in Aleppo

Syrian Future Movement…
The physical liquidation, now a hallmark of the regime’s brutal practices in Syria, has claimed the lives of the best among our afflicted nation’s citizens. While people around the world experience death only once, in Syria, the process of dying is preceded by various forms and methods of torture inflicted upon the Syrian citizen’s body. This becomes a badge of honor for the martyr before their family in this life and as a testament to their patience and sacrifices before God in the hereafter. Conversely, it becomes a mark of disgrace, humiliation, and shame for the perpetrator.
Syrian Future Movement…
It neither condemns nor denounces this harsh and painful massacre, as condemnation and denunciation no longer hold any place or meaning in the lexicon of our violated people, whose land and dignity are being desecrated.
Syrian Future Movement…
Congratulates the families of the martyrs on the weddings of their sons and affirms that just retribution for the criminals and the near liberation of the homeland, God willing, are forthcoming.