Letter to the Honorable Mr. Riyad Aitani

First, you should know that the Syrian revolution includes both good and bad elements, and through it, we have met many individuals, primarily through social media, with whom we share a common interest in the public good.
Ayyam Al-Asaad introduced himself to us as a representative of the Beirut Coordinating Committee for the Syrian Revolution and asked us to secure support for their military and relief activities. We declined military support, as the Syrian Future Movement does not specialize in providing such assistance. However, we promised to provide relief support in the form of the container that was sent on our behalf, which you kindly helped to receive and deliver.
The agreement was that we would secure the container for them, and they would cover the associated expenses in Lebanon. They also agreed to document the distribution of the container and send us the footage as proof of the integrity of the operation. Unfortunately, they did not fulfill either commitment. We followed up with them multiple times, and they promised to settle their obligations, the most recent promise being last week.
Honorable Mr. Riyad Aitani,
Indeed, you have no direct involvement in all that has transpired, and indeed, we owe you the previously stated amount. If you see any way to relieve us of this obligation, we would be most grateful. Otherwise, kindly send us your bank account details or the name of a representative (as it appears on their passport or ID in English) so we can transfer the amount to you within a week from today.
Awaiting your kind response…