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The Syrian Family After Liberation: Toward Building a New Society Based on Freedom and Equality


The family plays a fundamental role in building society and shaping its features. As Syria approaches the post-liberation phase, there emerges a need to reconsider the structure of the family and its role in achieving positive change. This is because the Syrian family will have a decisive role in promoting the values of freedom and equality and in establishing the concept of justice across generations.

Moreover, women, children, and adolescents are key elements in this transformation, as each of them possesses the energy and ability to contribute to building a bright future. In this critical phase, the Syrian family becomes a center for social and economic empowerment and a gateway to creating a new society based on mutual respect and human dignity.

The Role of the Family in Building a Society Based on Freedom and Equality:

The Syrian family is a fundamental unit in building society and plays a central role in achieving comprehensive development and social progress. The family is the first environment where individuals learn the core values and principles that contribute to establishing a society based on freedom and equality.

The family can nurture in children the concept of freedom, including freedom of expression, thought, and choice. Additionally, it works to promote the value of equality between genders and among individuals from different social and cultural backgrounds.

Since education is the foundation for achieving freedom and equality in society, the Syrian family plays a crucial role in supporting education and encouraging children to learn and acquire knowledge by providing a stimulating and supportive learning environment. The family can also help individuals achieve their aspirations and develop their skills and abilities, contributing to the creation of a society based on freedom and equality.

Furthermore, the Syrian family fosters religious and cultural values that encourage respect, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. By passing these values on to new generations, the family can contribute to building a society that respects cultural and religious diversity and strengthens the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among its members.

The Syrian family also plays an important role in economic development by supporting its members in achieving financial independence and enhancing their economic skills. By teaching children the value of hard work, diligence, and innovation, the family can contribute to economic growth and the establishment of a society based on freedom and equality.

Additionally, the Syrian family encourages active participation in social and political life by motivating individuals to engage in community activities, volunteer work, and decision-making processes. This contributes to strengthening the role of citizens in building a democratic society that upholds freedom and equality.

At the Office of Family Affairs, we have supported this approach in a previous article titled “The Syrian Family Between Tradition and Modernity.” We believe that the Syrian family can play a pivotal role in building a society based on freedom and equality by focusing on education, reinforcing religious and cultural values, fostering economic development, and promoting community participation. The family can make a significant contribution to achieving these noble goals.

Empowering Syrian Women: A Fundamental Pillar for the Coming Phase

We have published several articles on Syrian women and their empowerment, including “The Economic Empowerment of Syrian Women” and “Women’s Empowerment in Northern Syria: Strategies for Enhancing Their Civic Role.”

Syrian women are an integral part of Syrian society and play a crucial role in shaping the future. In the coming phase, empowering Syrian women must be a fundamental pillar for achieving sustainable development and fostering social and economic prosperity.

Education is one of the most critical factors in empowering women. Equal educational opportunities must be provided for women and girls at all levels, from primary to higher education. By empowering women through education, job opportunities can be improved, economic participation can be increased, and women’s role in decision-making can be strengthened.

Syrian women also play a significant role in the economy. It is essential to create a work environment that enables women to participate actively in the labor market. Women’s labor rights must be reinforced, ensuring equal pay and fair treatment. Additionally, training and qualification programs should be provided to help women develop their skills and enhance their chances of securing suitable jobs.

Furthermore, increasing women’s participation in political life and enabling them to reach leadership positions in government and public institutions is of great importance. This can be achieved by strengthening women’s quotas in legislative councils and offering support and training for those aspiring to political engagement.

Active political participation by women contributes to achieving gender balance and promoting policies that uphold women’s rights.

Women also play a central role in fostering moral and social values in Syrian society through active participation in community and volunteer activities, which strengthens social cohesion and solidarity. Moreover, women can serve as role models for future generations in leadership and responsibility.

A New Vision for the Future of Syrian Children After Liberation

After years of conflict and suffering, liberation presents an opportunity to build a brighter future for Syrian children. As the hope and future of Syria, investing in their development and well-being is an investment in the nation’s future. Therefore, a comprehensive vision must be established to ensure equal opportunities for children to grow, learn, and thrive in a stable and secure society.

For instance, education is the foundation of any prosperous society. Access to quality education must be a guaranteed right for every Syrian child. The government and educational institutions should focus on rebuilding and rehabilitating schools while providing a safe and supportive learning environment. Additionally, curricula must be updated to enhance critical thinking, creativity, and life skills.

Furthermore, good health is essential for children’s growth and development. Comprehensive and free healthcare services, including preventive and curative care, must be provided for all children. Psychological and social support should also be made available for children who have suffered trauma due to the conflict, through specialized programs that facilitate their recovery and reintegration into society. Ensuring children receive a balanced and nutritious diet is equally crucial. School nutrition programs and parental awareness campaigns on healthy eating should be promoted, as proper nutrition significantly contributes to children’s physical and academic development.

Children must also live in a safe and stable environment that offers them protection and support. Strengthening the role of families and communities in child care and protection through awareness and training programs is vital.

Moreover, children should have the right to express themselves and participate in decisions that affect their lives. Encouraging their involvement in community and volunteer activities can help develop their leadership and social skills, preparing them to contribute actively to society.


In conclusion, the family plays a pivotal role in social change and sustainable development by instilling moral values, supporting education, promoting health, encouraging community participation, and fostering environmental sustainability. Through these efforts, the family can significantly contribute to building a bright and sustainable future.

Moreover, after liberation, the Syrian family bears a great responsibility in shaping a new society founded on freedom and equality. This can be achieved by focusing on proper upbringing, education, and social support, allowing families to nurture a generation capable of overcoming challenges and achieving progress.

The role of the family is not limited to meeting basic needs but extends to promoting the values and principles that form the foundation of a cohesive and balanced society. With a commitment to freedom, equality, and collective effort, the Family Affairs Office for the Syrian Future Movement believes that the Syrian family can be a driving force for positive change and sustainable development, paving the way for a better future.

Family Affairs Office
Research Team
Research and Studies Department
Syrian Future Movement


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