Welcoming the French judiciary’s decision to issue an arrest warrant against Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian Future Movement applauds the French judicial warrant to detain Bashar al-Assad in the case of chemical attacks.
The Syrian Future Movement believes that legal effort is one of the most important revolutionary acts, especially in legally proving the crime, then working on issuing judicial warrants in the free world countries, and finally working to bring the criminals to justice.
The Syrian Future Movement decries the absence of Arab or Islamic judiciary from the free human rights scene, or at least to file a legal case in international courts in the name of an Arab or Islamic state, similar to Turkey’s filing today against the criminal ‘Netanyahu’ at the International Criminal Court for committing war crimes in Gaza.
The Syrian Future Movement sees the conflict with the Syrian regime as a long journey involving all parties and specializations until the Syrian people obtain their right.
The Syrian Future Movement sees today’s warrant as the beginning of a legal victory for the Syrian people, hoping that the efforts of free Syrians will be crowned with the objectives of the Syrian revolution.