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(SFM) massages Podcast (11): Integrity.

My brothers and sisters…
Life is short, time keeps turning, and the people around you are witnesses! So make your integrity a rule in life and your righteousness a path to follow, for corruption is destructive and damning.
Be upright like towering palm trees, and do not sway with the winds, no matter how strong they are! If corruption is a blight gnawing at the country’s flesh, then you are the cure and the healing for it.
Beware of being those who are tempted by worldly life, becoming instruments of corruption in a homeland that deserves our every effort. Life is short, and what we sow in the pages of our days will be reaped by our children tomorrow, undoubtedly.
Be like the fruitful trees in their land, giving without waiting for anything in return, and be like the fresh rivers, quenching the thirst of the land ceaselessly and without hesitation, and do not be like the torrential flood, which arrives unexpectedly, destroying and demolishing.
And do not forget, my children, that integrity is the way of salvation, with which nations are built and ascend, and always remember that the land that embraces you today will one day witness for you or against you, so let it bear witness to your determination and righteousness, not your negligence and corruption!

And may God have mercy on the one who said:
I love the straight path,
The light of truth, I fear no injustice.
My lamps, I will light to proceed
To a homeland I will witness as grand.

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