Department of Women's Affairsstudies

Women in Syria:

General Goals:
The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) aims to appreciate and be guided by Syrian family values, centered around the conscious and free woman. SFM works on reshaping the Syrian woman to raise a generation that is bright in thought, pure in spirit, and strong in ambition, striving to build a leading civilized society. SFM seeks to protect the family from all conspiracies against it and to counter any plans aimed at obliterating its natural faith-based purity. SFM aims to rescue the Syrian woman from the negative effects she has suffered during the period of cleansing the country from the rule of the Assad gangs. SFM’s concern is to enable the Syrian woman to freely practice her religious rites within a moderate and realistic view, away from the scrutiny of security forces and intelligence agencies. SFM supports enhancing the positive contribution of Syrian women in developing their communities while maintaining their personal identity. SFM sees it essential for Syrian women to actively participate in building a civil and democratic state by empowering them to be part of the decision-making process. SFM aims to empower women to access their rights and establish the principle of equality in rights and duties.

Means of SFM to Achieve These Goals:
SFM strives to create a global awareness that elevates the status of women from a value-based, humanitarian, and religious perspective, showcasing the character of the Syrian woman as a model and an example. SFM will work on developing pioneering projects for the family, women, and children and invite the world to them. SFM will work to purify cultures and customs from inherited traditions that contradict the correct religious and value-based perceptions to restore the woman’s status and role. SFM will monitor issues threatening the family, women, and children in the homeland and propose solutions through its programs. SFM will enable Syrian women to achieve a balanced partnership and participation with men in various fields to contribute to a broad and effective political participation towards achieving safe and sustainable political development. SFM’s role is to guide and educate women to preserve and care for their families first, then look outward, based on the principle that one cannot give what they do not have. SFM prioritizes post-revolution childhood care, providing nurseries and kindergartens with all suitable means for children’s comfort, to raise a generation that is well aware of their rights and duties. SFM will support and encourage female volunteer work in all its forms, to cover some weaknesses present in the community. SFM aims to learn and teach the foundations of constructive dialogue that enriches discussions, enhances dialogues, and achieves the desired outcomes. SFM seeks to spread security and stability stemming from establishing the principle of national reconciliation, and working on integrating families and children who were associated with the previous regime, from officers and officials among others, into Syria for all Syrians. SFM sees the necessity of studying and analyzing the situation of women in Syria specifically and in the Arab world generally, conducting comparative studies, and benefiting from them to improve the status of women in Syria. SFM’s strategy includes establishing strong relationships with all women’s associations and organizations in Syria and its surroundings, cooperating with all associations, organizations, and individuals, and media devices to convey the voice of women declaring their aspirations, advocating their rights, and working to unify their efforts for the public interest, as the strength of any entity lies in its unity and in creating leading female cadres, and promoting them to various positions, starting from participation in local leaderships to embassies and ministries, and other high positions in the state. SFM’s priority in its program is to prepare seminars and lectures, benefit from Arab and foreign experiences, and hold accompanying activities to achieve these goals, and for this reason, it supports women’s education in languages other than Arabic. SFM declares emphatically… The families of the martyrs who drew the map of new Syria with their pure blood, our injured who embroidered the paths of freedom with their bravery, and our missing whom we wish safety; they and their mothers and children are in the heart, without the need for a recommendation.

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