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The Syndicate of Free Journalists visits the Headquarters of the Syrian Future Movement

A delegation from the Free Syrian Journalists Syndicate visited the office of the Syrian Future Movement in the city of Azaz, in an evening session on June 23, 2024. The two parties discussed several agendas, the most important of which was discussing a joint work mechanism that would bring the two parties together in order to improve the media image and message, in addition to the language. Public and private discourse and the necessity of adhering to the principles of the revolution.
The meeting concluded with outcomes, the most important of which are:

  1. The office of the Syrian Future Movement welcomes the activities of the Free Syrian Journalists Syndicate and congratulates them.
  2. Study of joint activities by both parties several days before commencing the activity.
  3. Inviting the union to the movement’s upcoming activities.
    The meeting was attended by:
  4. Mr. Jihad Jamal, head of the Free Syrian Journalists Syndicate.
  5. Mr. Hassan Asaad, Secretary of the Syndicate.
  6. Mr. Mansour Sabra, head of the Information and Publishing Office.
  7. Mr. Ammar Al-Takla, Director of the Capacity Building and Self-Development Department in the Syrian Future Movement
  8. Mr. Zakaria Al-Omar is a cadre of the Syrian Future Movement.



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