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Syrian Future Movement Medal “Sheikh of Wisdom Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari”

Syrian Future Movement Meda

First week of September 2023

Syrian Future Movement

First week of September 2023

Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” was born in Venezuela on July 9, 1965. He completed his educational stages in his homeland, Syria, and also studied law at Damascus University between 1985 and 1990. After 1993, Sheikh moved back to Venezuela with the intention to work, but returned to Syria in 1998, specifically to his town Qanawat, northeast of Suwayda.
Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” assumed the spiritual presidency of the Druze monotheistic sect, succeeding his brother.

Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” is considered a spiritual head among the three spiritual presidencies of the Druze monotheists. Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” has taken many national stances, starting from the beginning of the Syrian revolution, where he opposed the compulsory conscription of the youth of Suwayda and Druze, and their involvement in combat against their fellow countrymen. With Suwayda’s involvement in the recent popular protests demanding the departure of the Assad regime, Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” emerged as a spiritual leader around whom the Syrians unite.

Among the national positions of Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” is his call to preserve both private and public properties in the country and guide the popular movement ethically and nationally.

Credit is given to Sheikh “Hikmat Salman Al-Hajari” for thwarting the regime’s attempt to accuse the Druze of secession from the Syrian state.

In recognition of the above and in acknowledgment of his contributions, we present the Syrian Future Movement Award this week to His Eminence Sheikh Hikmat Al-Hajari, a symbolic Syrian medal that embodies our vision and national approach.

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