Family Affairs OfficeResearch and Studies Departmentstudies

Online education: A solution to the dilemma of educating Syrians

In-person education is defined as the traditional educational process that occurs directly face-to-face between the teacher and the student at a specific place and time. This type of education relies on direct interaction, where information and knowledge are exchanged through lectures, discussions, practical activities, and homework. In-person education is characterized by strong social interaction between students and teachers and provides a stimulating learning environment.

Online education, on the other hand, is the educational process that takes place remotely using modern technology, where students receive course materials through the internet or other electronic means. This type of education relies on flexibility in time and place, allowing students to study at any time and from anywhere. Online education is distinguished by the variety of educational tools used, such as videos, recorded lectures, forums, and interactive activities.

There is also what is called blended learning, which combines the advantages of both in-person and online education, with part of the course material being delivered in person and another part delivered online.

One of the main reasons for the rise of online education is the impact of technology, as technological advancements have improved the quality of online education and made it more appealing to students.

Between the Two Types of Education:

Numerous studies and articles have provided a brief comparison between in-person education and virtual education, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each. According to our experience at the Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement and the Tawad Educational Schools network in northern Syria, we can conclude the following:

In-Person Education:

  1. Direct interaction between students and the teacher, which makes it easier to ask questions and receive immediate answers.
  2. A social learning environment that helps build personal relationships and encourages teamwork.
  3. Personal monitoring of students, allowing the teacher to observe difficulties and provide the necessary support.
  4. Diverse educational resources, including laboratories, libraries, and traditional teaching aids.


  1. Limited flexibility, constrained by a fixed schedule and location.
  2. Higher costs, as it may require transportation and accommodation expenses.
  3. Risk of disease spread, especially in large gatherings.

Virtual Education:


  1. High flexibility, allowing students to study at any time and from any location.
  2. Broader access, offering opportunities for students from around the world.
  3. Lower costs, as it does not require transportation or accommodation expenses.
  4. Variety of educational resources, with platforms offering rich multimedia content.


  1. Limited social interaction due to the lack of direct engagement between students and teachers.
  2. Need for self-discipline, as students must manage their own time and efforts.
  3. Dependence on technology, which can be affected by internet or device malfunctions.

So, which one is better?

The answer is: In reality, both types of education have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is no one ideal type that fits all students. The best choice depends on several factors, including:

  1. Learning style and personal preference: Whether the individual prefers learning in a social environment or values independence.
  2. Commitment: Whether one can manage time and effort effectively.
  3. Material conditions: Which provide access to the internet and a computer.
  4. Health conditions: That may prevent attendance in physical classes.
  5. In recent years, virtual education has become more prevalent, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many educational institutions to shift to remote learning. However, in-person education still plays a significant role, and many experts believe that combining both types is the optimal solution, as it allows for leveraging the advantages of each while minimizing their drawbacks.

COVID-19 Experience:

The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a significant catalyst in accelerating the shift towards virtual education worldwide. The restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the virus forced educational institutions at all levels to seek rapid and effective alternatives to ensure the continuity of the educational process.

The main reasons for the spread of virtual education due to COVID-19:

  1. The general closure of schools and universities: The comprehensive closures of educational institutions necessitated the search for alternatives to in-person education, with virtual education being the most logical option.
  2. The need to maintain educational continuity: Governments and educational institutions sought to ensure that students did not miss out on their studies, especially given the importance of education in shaping the future.
  3. Technological advancements: The technological infrastructure available before the pandemic was sufficient or acceptable to support the rapid shift to virtual education.
  4. Flexibility of virtual education: It provided greater flexibility for students and teachers in choosing the time and place of study, helping to adapt the educational process to exceptional circumstances.

And thus, the positive effects of the spread of virtual education were:

  1. Increased awareness of the importance of technology in education, as the pandemic accelerated the integration of technology into education, contributing to the development of students’ digital skills.
  2. Expanded access to education, making it available to a larger number of students, especially in remote areas or those facing special circumstances.
  3. Diversification of educational options, with the emergence of many virtual platforms and educational programs, increasing the choices available to students and teachers.

However, we have seen the challenges faced by virtual education, including:

  1. The digital divide: Not all students and teachers had equal access to the devices and internet needed for virtual education.
  2. Difficulty in achieving social interaction: Virtual education lacked direct interaction between students and teachers, which affected the social aspect of learning.
  3. Need for new skills: The shift to virtual education required the development of new skills for both teachers and students, such as technology use and self-directed learning.
  4. The experience during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that virtual education can play a vital role in the educational process. Despite the challenges it faced, it opened new horizons for education and contributed to its development. It is expected that virtual education will continue to evolve and grow in the coming years, but existing challenges must be addressed to ensure its effectiveness and quality.

In northern Syria and refugee countries like Lebanon as a model:

The question of whether virtual or in-person education is preferable in northern Syria is a complex one that requires consideration of several interrelated factors.

First, we briefly review the advantages and disadvantages of each type of education in the context of the Syrian crisis:

1- In-person Education:

  1. Provides greater opportunities for interaction between students and teachers, enhancing understanding and comprehension.Offers a social learning environment that helps students adapt to difficult conditions.Teachers can monitor students’ progress individually and provide the necessary support.


  1. In conflict areas, students and teachers may be at risk of bombings and violence.
  2. Schools may suffer from a lack of books and educational materials, as well as a shortage of qualified teaching staff.
  3. There is a threat of interrupted schooling due to security conditions or fuel shortages.

2. Virtual Education:


  1. Protects students and teachers from the dangers of conflict.
  2. Allows students to study at any time and from any place.
  3. Enables displaced students in the north or those living in hard-to-reach areas to benefit from education.


  1. It may lead to feelings of isolation and boredom.
  2. Not all students may have access to the necessary devices and internet.
  3. It can be challenging for teachers to monitor the progress of all students.

Secondly, factors to consider when choosing the type of education:

  1. If the security situation is deteriorating, virtual education will be the safer option.
  2. Devices and internet access must be available for virtual education.
  3. Teachers should be trained in using new educational technologies.
  4. Individual needs of each student should be considered when choosing the type of education.
  5. It appears that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Virtual education may be the best option in some areas, while in others, in-person education may be more suitable. The ideal solution is to combine both types as much as possible, with a focus on providing a safe and stimulating educational environment for students.
  6. Virtual education can be a promising alternative to in-person education for Syrian students in Lebanon under current conditions, especially with Lebanese schools being prevented from accepting Syrian students due to challenging legal residency requirements that more than 80% of Syrian students in Lebanon do not possess. Syrian students in Lebanon face significant obstacles and challenges in continuing their education. Virtual education offers solutions to these challenges, including:
  7. Students can study anytime and from anywhere, giving them greater freedom to manage their time and avoid potential risks.
  8. Virtual education is often less costly than in-person education, especially since many educational platforms offer free or nominally priced courses (like the Masarat Voluntary Organization), albeit in a basic form without recognition or coverage for all educational stages.
  9. Virtual education makes it easier for displaced students or those in hard-to-reach areas to access education.
  10. Virtual education offers a wide range of courses and educational programs that cater to various levels and interests.
  11. However, some challenges must be overcome for virtual education to succeed in this context:
  12. Providing devices and internet access to students, especially given the difficult economic conditions many are facing in Lebanon.
  13. Ensuring sufficient internet connectivity quality to maintain the continuity of the educational process.
  14. Training teachers in using new educational technologies and providing the necessary support.
  15. Enhancing social interaction between students and teachers, as this aspect is crucial for learning.

Conclusion and Recommendation:

The dire situation of Syrian students inside Syria, especially in the north, and particularly in Lebanon, reveals a very negative outlook for the future. Preventing vulnerable and impoverished groups from accessing education will make children more susceptible to extremism, terrorism, or crime later in life. The only deterrent to this is good education, which can be difficult to achieve in an environment rife with ignorance.

Therefore, we at the Family Affairs Office of the Syrian Future Movement recommend the following:

  1. Raise the Alarm: To protect our children and ensure their future, we recommend transitioning to free virtual education, without abandoning in-person education. Instead, utilize both methods as feasible.
  2. UN Involvement: The United Nations should undertake a virtual education project for Syrian children both inside Syria and abroad, managed under its supervision in collaboration with Syrian experts, covering all educational stages from primary to university. This will ensure that education does not produce certificates irrelevant to the job market.
  3. Legal Recognition: Ensure that virtual education is legally recognized as a valid alternative, with the certificates issued being officially accredited by the United Nations.
  4. Financial Support: Establish a financial fund to support this project, funded by Syrians, and consider it a national, free project for all Syrians to address both current and future challenges.

Here is the translation:

Wheeba Al-Masri
Office of Family Affairs
Research and Studies Department
Syrian Future Movement(SFM)


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