Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Warning against the thuggery of “Ahmad Jibril” and the practices of the Popular Front “General Command.”

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) …
This noble verse from the Book of God fits perfectly, like hand to glove, with all those whom the regime of killing, oppression, and thuggery has used as tools to suppress the revolutionary movement and the popular unrest in Syria.

For this reason, the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) …
Condemns the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (General Command), represented by its leader Ahmad Jibril, who has become a tool of Bashar al-Assad’s regime within the Palestinian camps in the heart of Damascus.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) …
Warns against the criminal regime’s use of our Palestinian brothers (especially from the camps) as a trump card to sow the seeds of division and conflict within popular neighborhoods that have long embraced the Palestinian resistance (both leadership and individuals).

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) …
Points out that Ahmad Jibril’s and his followers’ involvement in thuggery within the camps (only reflects negatively on them), and therefore, he and those like him will have no place in the future of Syria, God willing.

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