(SFM) massages PodcastDr. Zaher BaadaraniMedia OfficePresidency officepresident SFMVideos

(SFM) massages Podcast(5): Dignity

My brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of our dear nation, dignity is not just a word we repeat, but it is the title of the strong national character we strive to possess, to embody, and to commit to.
Dignity lies in making honesty a path we do not deviate from, justice a balance we do not err in, and truth a sword that does not tremble in our hands. It lies in knowledge and wisdom as a path we do not stray from, ethics as a way with no alternative, and willpower as a quality we adorn ourselves with. Human dignity is not built on the strength of the body alone, but on the brilliance of thought, the nobility of spirit, and the righteous work for the good of our country and nations. Dignity and self-respect are the most precious and sublime things we possess wherever we go and wherever we settle, so do not allow anyone to strike you down and steal your dignity, or to tarnish it with ill! Know that dignity is not requested from others! It is imposed by good deeds, noble traits, kind stances, and lofty goals. And may God have mercy on the one who said: You pursued glories, knocking on its door, The door of dignity, the best door to knock, Thus dignity, authenticity, and sacrifice, A laurel wreath placed upon your head.

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