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(SFM) massages Podcast (13): Love in the Homeland.

Love in the Homeland:
My brothers and sisters:
The love among you is the foundation that strengthens your resolve and keeps your roots deeply embedded in the soil of this sacred homeland.

It is not merely emotions accumulating in the hearts, but it involves action, effort, and sacrifice. So, if you disagree, remember that you share the same father, that your blood is one, and that the soil of this homeland is mixed with the sweat of your father’s and your forefathers’ brows.

Build bridges of understanding and cooperation with your love, cling to the strong rope of God, and His right path, and do not become divided.

My brothers… do not forget that the homeland is built with the loving efforts of its children, so let your love for each other be the strong wall that protects it from all harm. Let that love be the fuel for your dreams, the source of your inspiration, and the leader of your actions towards your prosperity and success!

Make your love for each other the cornerstone upon which you build your hopes and through which you shape the future of your generations. And always remember, love is not just a word spoken, nor feelings expressed only with our tongues! Rather, it is a methodology of action and a way of life.

And may God have mercy on the one who said:
Honor your brother in the land of his birth,
Extend to him from your good deeds,
Dignity is sought and desired,
And the most honorable is what is obtained in the homeland.

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