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(SFM) massages Podcast (12): Cooperation.

My brothers and sisters
Time may buffet us with its strong winds, and test our patience with its fierce waves, but remember that ease follows hardship, and relief comes with patience.
So endure the tightness of your circumstances, the harshness of living, and the material reality you exist in, and remember that your ancestors once went through such conditions, yet their souls were confident in their Lord, watching for blessings, and even if the abundance of provision was denied!

Remember, my brothers, that goodness resides within us and among us, and that provision is not merely money, but health, security, safety, and faith.
Share the little you possess, and you will find it to be a great abundance in the eyes of your Lord and your country.

Do not forget that our homeland is not merely the land we live on, but it is our identity, belonging, history, and future.

Let today’s trials be a motivation for us to work together, in solidarity and cooperation, in affection and brotherhood, for a better tomorrow.

And may God have mercy on the one who said:
I was not created to live alone,
And people are a sea teeming with waves.
Together, we build a beautiful life,
With harmony, cooperation, and connections.
For the civilization of man is an outpouring of cooperation,
Among all, across the years.

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