Educational projectsEducational support coursesScientific office

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) offered free courses for students of the Basic Education Certificate at its headquarters in the city of A’azaz.

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) conducted intensive sessions for a number of ninth-grade students in all subjects required for the final exam, according to the official curriculum, at its headquarters in the northern Syrian city of A’azaz.

The sessions targeted different groups of students, aiming to enhance their knowledge and understanding of scientific subjects that require high analysis and concentration, in order to fill the gaps they may have experienced during lessons in the regular school day.

The sessions included comprehensive and detailed review according to the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education, with a focus on fundamentals, practical examples involving student participation, aiming to address their weaknesses.

The scientific office of Syrian Future Movement (SFM) continues to conduct scientific support training for youth in various fields with the aim of empowering and qualifying them for the job market, imparting them with many skills that increase their chances of finding employment and a profession that makes them active and productive members of society, rather than just consumers.

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