Educational projectsScientific officeScientific office archive photosTawad Educational SchoolTawad Schools "Azaz"

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has previously concluded a compensatory education project in A’azaz.

Our teams at the “Tawad Educational Schools Chain – A’azaz Branch,” affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), previously concluded a project in compensatory education in the city of A’azaz, northern Syria.

The compensatory education project targeted orphaned children with daily and intensive lessons aimed at compensating them for what they lost due to displacement and migration, and preparing them to enter the appropriate grades in formal education.

The goal of the “Tawad Schools Chain” is to produce a generation of children in displacement camps, moving from ignorance and dropping out to knowledge and building a flourishing future for them, where they can be effective through academic, scientific, and professional experiences that contribute to the development and advancement of society.

It is worth mentioning that the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) is one of the institutions strongly supporting and advocating for science and education, according to its firm principles that proper and healthy human development begins from school benches, to contribute in the future to building an aware and balanced society that rejects violence and war and promotes peace and love.

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