Dr. Zaher BaadaraniMedia OfficePresidency officepresident SFMThe SFM's Reels

The 12th Anniversary the Founding of the SFM (4): The state from the perspective of the SFM.

Brothers and sisters, dear members of our beloved nation, the Syrian Future Movement is a strategic vision dedicated to achieving a democratic, civil state that reflects the aspirations of our free and revolutionary Syrian people.
A state where justice and equality are realized for all citizens, where the president serves the people through an elected parliament, without sanctity or oppression.

Our vision for the state includes freeing it from any factional affiliations, with the three branches of government—the executive, legislative, and judicial—fully subordinate to the people’s will, free from both internal and external guardianship. To us, the state is an entity that belongs to all Syrians, not just one group, and national unity is the key to independent national decision-making and societal stability.

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