Administrative DecisionPresidency office

Termination of Appointment and Assignment

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)
Administrative Decision No.: R 01/10/23
Issued on: 17/10/23

Termination of Appointment and Assignment

The Syrian Future Movement (SfM):
Based on the provisions of the charter of The Syrian Future Movement.
Based on the powers of the president of The Syrian Future Movement.
In light of the general interest.

1_ The assignment of Mr. Bilal Mohammad Al-Sheikh, of Syrian nationality, born on 1999/07/25, as the director of The Syrian Future Movement office in the liberated Syrian interior is hereby terminated. Consequently, Administrative Decision No.: R 22/11/01 issued on 2022/11/07 is nullified.

2_ Mr. Bilal Mohammad Al-Sheikh is not authorized to represent The Syrian Future Movement in private and public meetings and gatherings as of the date of this decision’s issuance, nor to speak on its behalf, or appear in the media as a representative of The Syrian Future Movement.
3_ This decision shall be communicated to those concerned for its execution.

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Organizational Office
Media Office
Concerned Party


President of the (SFM)

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