Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

In the speech of the criminal killer Bashar Hafez al-Assad in 2013.

Syrian Future Movement said:
“They killed innocent civilians to extinguish the light and brightness in our country! They assassinated talents and minds to spread their ignorance upon our intellect! They destroyed the infrastructure built by the people’s money, causing suffering to permeate our lives! They deprived children of their schools to ruin the country’s future and express their ignorance! They cut off electricity, communications, and fuel supplies, leaving the elderly and children to suffer through winter’s cold without medicine, a testament to their savagery! Their theft was manifest in the destruction of silos and the theft of wheat and flour, turning bread into a dream and leaving citizens to starve!
They are the enemies of the people, and the enemies of the people are the enemies of God, and the enemies of God will be cast into the fire on the Day of Judgment!”

Syrian Future Movement responds:
“The criminal murderer Bashar al-Assad has spoken the truth in everything he said. For the first time, he expressed what goes through the mind of every rebellious Syrian citizen. Truly, he is the one who killed the civilians, the one who assassinated talents, the one who destroyed the infrastructure, the one who deprived our children of their schools, the one who cut off electricity and communications from us, the one who made us endure the cold of winter. He is the leader of the gang of thieves that has looted the country’s wealth for forty years.
Yes, he is the enemy of the people, and the enemy of the people is the enemy of God, and the enemy of God will be cast into the fire on the Day of Judgment.”

Syrian Future Movement adds:
“The criminal murderer Bashar al-Assad posed questions in his speech that deserve attention and answers. He asked: ‘A revolution is built on thought—who knows a thinker in this revolution? A revolution requires leaders—who knows a leader in this revolution? Is this a revolution, and are these revolutionaries?’

Syrian Future Movement replies:
“The criminal murderer president denied his people from the very first days of the blessed revolution, so how could he possibly recognize a leader of this revolution in person? Every child has become a leader to be emulated on the battlefields of honor, every young man a symbol of heroism, every elderly man a legend in endurance, and not to mention the honorable women among us.

The criminal president, as well as those present in the opera hall to whom he asked: ‘Who knows a thinker in this revolution?’ will surely not know the answer. This is because the Quranic verse we cited at the beginning of our statement applies to the president and the chorus of attendees. Yet the answer to his question from our anthem is:
‘From us came the Walid, and from us came the Rashid,
So why can’t we rise and why not build?'”

Syrian Future Movement strongly condemns the insulting remarks made by the so-called ‘President’ against his own people, calling them: ‘Thieves, wolves, servants, humiliated, spies, a bunch of criminals, and extremists.’ The Movement files a lawsuit for slander and defamation against him in the Syrian revolution’s courts on behalf of the rebellious Syrian people, attaching his recorded speech as evidence.”

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