Presidency officepresident SFM

The Official Statement on the 13th Anniversary of the Glorious Syrian Revolution

President of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM)
Dr. Zaher Baadarani

13 Years of Unity and Destiny:

A decade and three years have passed since the holiest demand of the Syrian cry (freedom) was raised in the capital of fear, and the stronghold of the terrifying Syrian security regime.

A cry echoed from the lips of the nation’s finest sons and noble people, unsettling the greatest criminals among them, who sold their integrity, thus toppling the idol of tyranny and wounding the lion’s gaze.

Freedom will not be complete until Bashar al-Assad’s regime and all its symbols and the pillars of its deep state are overthrown. It is a freedom that lays the groundwork for a state of dignity, a modern state of citizenship for all Syrians, a freedom that is the gateway to realizing the humanity of the citizen.
There is no humanity without free will, and no free will without complete, unfettered freedom.

In the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), we have resolved to implement our national, civil, and liberating project, ignoring the chaos of today’s de facto powers who have desecrated Syria’s sanctity, without gaining popular representation or creating a national alternative.
We believe in the awareness of the revolution’s youth and the wisdom of its elders to resolve the nation’s lingering problems and to move beyond a phase of stagnation towards achieving our sought-after goal and purpose.

Our people’s sacrifices remain a constant motivation for us to continue our path and journey, within a national action front that does not conflict with our declared roadmap, and is flexible enough to intersect with the visions of trusted patriots both inside Syria and in diaspora.

Thirteen years have made moderation and centrism a supreme national interest and a method for reconciling the different spectrums and components of the people, rejecting all forms of exclusion, marginalization, and domination over any of the components. We adopt a plan to achieve consensus among the various currents, parties, and groups in Syria, aiming to change the current political reality through the construction of a Syrian national social contract.
This contract would unify all components, showcasing social diversity as evidence of a single, unifying national identity. Thus, we aim to transform political rivalry into a door to constructive cooperation and fruitful competition, building a solid foundation among the citizens of one country, regardless of cultural, traditional, ethnic, religious, or sectarian differences.

For thirteen years, we have strived to focus on liberating the national direction from political dependency and protecting it from collapse. We distinguish between cooperation based on mutual interests with non-Syrian states, groups, and entities, and dependency that erases the national identity or shifts it from equal cooperation to a state of subjugation. Achieving the goals of the revolution does not mean the destruction of the nation or subjugation to foreign interests.

For thirteen years, our effort has been to build a civil state, free from any authoritarian guardianship, whether military, religious, or even nationalistic. A state that respects the uniqueness of our Syrian experience, the composition of our people, and their culture, elevating the people’s will to govern, manage, and make decisions through popular mandate, without the direction of a tyrant or the dictates of a beneficiary.

For thirteen years, we have believed in diversity, not division, under the roof of the nation, in political pluralism, not repeated copies. We reject the idea of a single party or leading coalition (for we are in a revolution), and believe that national consensus can only be achieved through a comprehensive and regulating contract among all political forces. This agreement on a unified and unifying national political and constitutional system offers reassurance to all political forces that they will not be retaliated against in the future through coups, conspiracies, or accusations of betrayal.

Thirteen years have passed without swaying us an inch from the initial goals of the revolution.
We see the obstacles as enormous, the challenges as monumental, and the path forward towards achieving our aim, the overthrow of the regime.

Thirteen years have gone by, and the criminal is known, the traitor exposed, and the effort directed towards rallying the ranks, uniting the masses, and clarifying the positions, despite eclipses and diminishments.

For thirteen years, we have been writing a prudent history with chants and anthems: “The people demand,” and we continue to repeat and repeat, the overthrow of the tyrant is unavoidable, and the images of bravery, sacrifice, and steadfastness (is there more?), towards a happy future that ensures accountability for team leaders, brigadiers, colonels, and ends the era of Assad senior, junior, and offspring, and all whose hands are stained with the blood of our noble people.

Thirteen years with bloodshed, the scent of musk emanating from it, people between migration and displacement, the people’s killer exposed, the nation’s seller discarded, compromise on principles not allowed, and the people’s choice (the fall of Assad) clear.

Thirteen years on, the march continues, the spirit is high, the determination solid, and the masses are mobilized, they regather themselves, and through their youth and energies, they create a reservoir of indomitable popular will, aiming for a satisfactory goal and a blissful life.

Beware of those who discourage, avoid the skeptics, and draw from the spring (Long live Syria, and down with the cursed Assad).

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