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The International Court of Justice’s Decision to Stop Torturing Detainees in Syria

Yesterday, the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued a decision requiring the Syrian regime to stop its program of torturing detainees, following a complaint submitted by the governments of Canada and the Netherlands last August.

The Syrian Future Movement welcomes the decision of the international court.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the decision a humanitarian achievement against the growing barbarism in the world, especially in recent years, including the latest Gaza war.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that legal jihad and legal activism are at the forefront of the priorities of the political struggle for liberation.

The Syrian Future Movement thanks the Syrian and human rights entities that worked in secret and openly for the issuance of this decision.

The Syrian Future Movement has been and will remain supportive of all human rights efforts advocating for the rights of the Syrian people.

The Syrian Future Movement sees in the decision of the French judiciary condemning Bashar al-Assad, and the decision of the International Court to stop torture, and before it, the American Captagon law and other laws added to the Syrian file globally, the end of the political future of the Assad family, and if it continues, Assad’s Syria will have no future among the advanced countries.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the international community to pressure all regional and global powers involved in the future and shape of Syria, to accept a political solution, transition to a fully authorized government, end the rule of Assad, and move Syria towards a new stage where the regime is not accused of international criminal or human rights issues.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that all the previous efforts are just positive points, but they do not represent the real victory for the Syrian people, but they are a good addition to their path towards emancipation.

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