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Podcast of SFM (22): The Concept of the State from the SFM’s Perspective (2)

  1. The establishment of a republic must be based
    on the principle of full citizenship, where
    everyone enjoys equal rights and duties.
  2. A constitution that is founded on the
    separation of powers (presidential, legislative,
    executive, judicial, oversight, and religious) and
    upholds the rule of law over these powers is the
    backbone of the state. If it remains free from
    deviations, the state’s condition will be stable
    and strong.
  3. The role of an independent judiciary is crucial
    in safeguarding rights and establishing justice. A
    dedicated budget for the judiciary is essential to
    prevent its exploitation or manipulation in favor
    of any group or authority.
    The Syrian Future Movement views the
    institutions of the republican state as democratic
    in their bodies and methodologies. Its
    democracy has contemporary value,
    encompassing religious, ethical, humanistic, and
    national educational principles that help regulate
    the behavior of both rulers and citizens.
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