Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) along with military and police institutions, security, and intelligence agencies

The Assad regime has managed to co-opt the security, military, and police institutions for the stability and benefit of his rule, thereby gradually undermining their status and functional role in maintaining community security and peace, and repelling any external aggression!

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of excluding the army, armed forces, and security agencies from any future political practices, as well as from holding power or any political positions. We also reject their involvement in any political competition or national entitlements, and we refuse any political exploitation of the intelligence against other political forces.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that the role of the army should solely be to defend the state and its sovereignty from any external attack, and to confine itself to protecting national borders and maintaining the national security of the state, with the possibility of participating in humanitarian and emergency relief operations in disaster situations.

The Syrian Future Movement rejects the use of the army against any peaceful civilian movements and does not accept its deployment in provinces, cities, and villages except with a temporary and specific parliamentary mandate, such as situations surrounding counter-terrorism operations, combating crime, and fighting armed mafias, all in case the civil police forces are unable to do so.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the army’s budget, arming, and funding subject to the opinion of an elected parliamentary majority, through transparent programs that prevent corruption and waste, and prevent military unit inflation at the expense of others.

The Syrian Future Movement supports the cooperation of the army with its counterparts in the international community to maintain global security and peace, and sees the necessity for security and intelligence cooperation with regional countries in particular, and the international community in general, emphasizing the importance of informing the political authority of all security movements.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the role of the security and intelligence agencies in gathering necessary information and analyzing it to protect the security of the homeland and its citizens.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of restraining the security agencies from practices of detention and imprisonment, etc., without special judicial permission, and in cases that exclusively concern national and state security.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the role of intelligence in conducting secret operations aimed at preserving the security of the state and the people, within a specific mandate from a recognized official entity, and which can be held accountable for its decisions.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the necessity of the security agencies being under the guardianship of the political authority, and not allowing them to threaten the political balance by overpowering the political authority as has happened and is happening in Syria now.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in activating the role of the civil police and giving them alone the natural internal space to interact with the Syrian people.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the importance of the role of the civil police and internal security forces in maintaining public order and security within the state, under full subordination to the judiciary, and the right of parliament to hold the police and internal security forces accountable for any violations of the rights of the Syrian people in dealing with individuals or groups, etc.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the role of the civil police important in enforcing laws, protecting citizens’ rights, investigating crimes, and bringing perpetrators to justice.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of spreading awareness of human rights and the necessity of its establishment by the political authority to hold the leadership and elements of the army, intelligence, and police accountable for any potential violations.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the recruitment of religious figures in the military institution and the general security apparatus, from land, air, and naval forces and intelligence, as part of the mission of providing spiritual guidance and psychological and intellectual preparation for the elements and recruits of all military ranks, to boost their morale, and to counteract the spread of extremist Takfiri ideas among them, all within a specialized circle of moral preparation and guidance.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of the military institution being subject to the directives and decisions of the civilian political authority, while having complete independence in its internal regulations governing military work within the institution.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the jurisdiction of military courts only over military personnel! And limits it to matters concerning breaches of military order, with the authority of civilian courts over issues of corruption, espionage, and the like, which affect the prestige of the state.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that joining the military and security institutions is voluntary, and we call for an end to what is called compulsory conscription in Syria.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the salaries of officers and elements to be among the highest in Syria, with health insurance for them, and decent and sufficient care for the families of martyrs and the injured.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for creating and enabling the reasons for social ties between the military and security institution on one side and the Syrian people on the other (later), and not allowing the creation of a rift or cutting off contact under any pretext.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the adoption of promotion and affiliation in the military and security institution based solely on competence, without restriction of gender,

religion, race, or nationality..

The Syrian Future Movement calls for legal and human rights courses for the elements and officers of the military and security institution, and the activation of human rights laws in all military and security practices.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for the enactment of strict laws, so that neither the military institution nor the security agencies can seize political, parliamentary, and legislative power, or move or create chaos among them.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the affiliation of the security forces and intelligence with the Ministry of the Interior, and the establishment and adoption of a single headquarters for them, and the withdrawal and emptying of all headquarters spread among civilian homes and the general population, and the restoration of buildings seized by them to their original owners.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks to reassign security and intelligence elements in the ministries, for those whose hands have not been stained with the blood of the Syrian people in their revolution, within a special arrangement that allows them to continue in their jobs, and to dismiss all suspects, and to refer the involved to fair justice.

The Syrian Future Movement refuses the use of physical torture to extract confessions under any pretext, and directly criminalizes those responsible for it.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for benefiting from the experiences of advanced countries in security and intelligence work, and contracting with them to conduct courses and exchange their expertise for the benefit.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for a special law that allows the distribution of surveillance cameras in all Syrian regions and connecting them securely with special headquarters whose mission is to unload the information and study it to preemptively pursue any criminal or security action.

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