Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

Syrian Future Movement and the Child

The Syrian Future Movement strives to provide a safe and inclusive environment for the growth of children in Syria, stimulating their development and progress.

The Syrian Future Movement places great importance on children with special needs and war casualties, providing necessary support and ensuring their rights to education, healthcare, and social participation.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the need to embrace children who have lost their parents during the Syrian revolution, in every sense of the word.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the necessity of focusing on the psychological state of children in Syria, studying and treating the harsh conditions inflicted by the brutal war.

The Syrian Future Movement aims to help children overcome fear and trauma they have experienced, and restore their psychological and mental balance.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks to ensure a stable upbringing and a better future for Syrian children, and sees the need to establish specialized sanatoriums supervised by experienced professionals, not hesitating to utilize the expertise of developed countries.

The Syrian Future Movement works to reach all Syrian areas, especially remote ones, to monitor the conditions of Syrian children, reduce mortality rates, and ensure that all necessary support reaches them.

The Syrian Future Movement supports quality, modern education for children, enhancing their academic and social skills, and raising them with the values of the Abrahamic religions and the teachings of prophets and reformers, so they can be productive in their society and country.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks cooperation with all components of the Syrian people—political, governmental, and civil—to enhance enabling environments for growth during early childhood, including enacting family-friendly policies to ensure children’s safety in all respects.

The Syrian Future Movement stresses the need to protect children’s rights and promote awareness and defense of these rights.

The Syrian Future Movement aims to reintegrate children into Syrian society, especially after they have been affected by internal and external displacement, by educating Syrian children with a culture of life instead of a culture of death, and a culture of growth instead of a culture of bloodshed, to be the cornerstone of rebuilding the Syrian state anew.

The Syrian Future Movement refuses to involve children in ongoing violence or to arm them, and will combat and bring to justice anyone proven to be involved in such activities.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that all children should enjoy the same rights regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or any other status.

The Syrian Future Movement sees it necessary for every child to have a name they carry, and a nationality they are proud of, even if from a non-Syrian father, and to provide special protection for children to ensure their physical and mental growth.

The Syrian Future Movement sees it as essential to provide food and housing for the child and enable continuous communication with their parents if they are separated and do not live together.

The Syrian Future Movement rejects involving children in all forms of violence, economic exploitation, and forced labor.

The Syrian Future Movement works to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking and kidnapping, and from wars and conflicts, as well as from harsh and inhumane punishments.

The Syrian Future Movement believes it is necessary to keep children away from all criminal activities, drugs, and acts contrary to morals and law.

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