Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

Syrian Future Movement (SFM) and Women

The Syrian society is generally patriarchal, influenced by the historical condition of the entire region, along with a system of inherited customs and traditions. This is followed by the policies of the Syrian regime since the era of both Assads, father and son. Despite the Syrian society interacting with the global renaissance and the calls for women to take their rights in the present age, the path to empowering Syrian women is still at the beginning of its journey. The Syrian Future Movement has committed to the path of empowering Syrian women, considering them as an active and influential Syrian component.

The Syrian Future Movement aims to empower Syrian women primarily to appreciate family values, as women are the fundamental building block in the family structure, and the more aware and free women are, so too will be the families.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks to provide high-quality educational opportunities for Syrian women, available to all without discrimination, and encourages them to acquire various skills and diverse knowledge in numerous fields.

The Syrian Future Movement supports the participation of Syrian women in political and diplomatic life, advancing to the forefront of these areas, participating in pivotal decision-making, not neglecting their voices, and supporting their engagement in politics, enabling their effective participation in building a civil and democratic state.

The Syrian Future Movement believes it is essential for Syrian women to retain their national identity and deepen their sense of the need to express their unique and individual selves.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the necessity of securing equal opportunities for women in the labor market, particularly in business and industry, and sees the need to encourage them to establish their own projects and support and market them locally and globally.

The Syrian Future Movement works on enabling women to freely practice their religious rituals, within a moderate and realistic environment, away from the supervision of the security apparatus and its directives.

The Syrian Future Movement works on enhancing awareness of women’s rights, combating gender-based violence, and providing necessary support for women suffering from domestic, sexual, political, or other forms of violence.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of providing women’s health services, sexual and reproductive health awareness, along with necessary healthcare.

The Syrian Future Movement aims through its programs to change the social perception of women by purifying cultures, myths, and inherited misconceptions that contradict the correct value-based and religious perceptions, and encourages society to appreciate the role of women and their developmental and service contributions.

The Syrian Future Movement focuses on identifying the problems threatening Syrian women and seeks to propose realistic solutions through our programs, such as supporting and encouraging women’s volunteer work in all its forms.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of concerted efforts by the state, civil society, international institutions, and the international community to empower Syrian women through ongoing and sustainable effort.

The Syrian Future Movement works to reformulate the Syrian woman to raise a generation enlightened in thought, pure in spirit, and strong in ambition, striving to build a leading civilized society.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks global cooperation to form a consciousness that elevates the status of women from a value, humanitarian, and religious perspective, and to prepare leading global projects for the family, women, and children.

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