Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and the Environment

Among our goals that we strive to establish is “caring for the environment’s well-being because its safety leads to the well-being of citizens’ lives, their economy, health, resources, and the beauty of life around them, and attracts tourists to their country.”

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the role of civil society in protecting and preserving the environment, and its important role in educating Syrians about the importance and ways of preserving it, and pressuring for this purpose the authority to enact laws to protect it and supervise the ways of their implementation.

The Syrian Future Movement strives to provide all information about environmental hazards and encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the necessity of contributing to the development of environmental policies and laws to protect the environment.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the concept of shared responsibility a general framework that requires the cooperation of all international actors in the field of the environment and sees the necessity of Syria’s participation in those international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, among others.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for adherence to international laws and agreements related to the environment, making them the benchmark for standards and procedures with the goal of preserving it and confronting the danger of catastrophic pollution.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the necessity of balancing national interests and environmental benefits without negatively impacting economic development.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for avoiding the use of force to protect the environment and relying on international negotiations to solve environmental disputes.

The Syrian Future Movement aims to hand over to future generations, a world that is not polluted or destroyed; thus, we reject any project that serves an immediate interest but harms the environment in the future.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for a special agreement among Mediterranean countries regarding the protection of the environment and natural resources, similar to other international agreements.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of eliminating chemical and nuclear weapons in the entire region, considering them a threat to humans and the environment.

The Syrian Future Movement works on educating individuals to play an important role in protecting the environment and reducing pollution, such as reducing resource consumption, recycling and refining waste, using alternative transportation means, participating in environmental campaigns like cleaning public places and beaches, thinking in a sustainable environmental way, in addition to pressuring the authority to reduce pollution.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in its role within civil society in contributing to addressing environmental challenges, through establishing and supporting scientific research centers to provide environmental solutions, encouraging media bodies to adopt an environmental awareness discourse, working on including environmental content in school and university curricula, pressuring the authority to enact strict environmental laws, and organizing the monitoring of pollutants and natural resources.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that preserving the environment must start from protecting both current and future generations equally.

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