Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) and Science 2

Higher Education and Scientific Research

Higher education and scientific research are considered fundamental pillars of progress and development in modern societies, contributing to the development of individuals and communities at all levels.

The Syrian Future Movement aims to elevate Syria to the ranks of modern and advanced countries.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of higher education for personal development, acquiring personal skills, and honing them.

The Syrian Future Movement considers higher education a contributor to increasing productivity, spreading critical thinking, bearing responsibility, managing time, and raising awareness of the importance of commitment and positive discipline.

The Syrian Future Movement views higher education as one of the most important factors that enable individuals to strongly engage in public affairs, politically, economically, and socially.

The Syrian Future Movement sees higher education as a carrier for developing research skills, benefiting the development of all national projects.

The Syrian Future Movement considers higher education a pivotal point for knowledge and its applications, making a significant contribution to economic growth in particular, and to development in general through enhancing innovation among individuals.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that higher education improves the quality of social life and increases the community’s ability to address various social challenges.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the role of civil society in the educational process, and the necessity of it being a lever for higher education to contribute to achieving sustainable development, and enhancing human values and proper citizenship.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of state support for higher education with all means of support, to achieve progress and development, and to build a more educated and enlightened Syrian society.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of securing necessary funding by the state for the higher education sector, the need to benefit from the experiences of advanced countries, establish scientific friendships with major universities worldwide for scientific exchange regarding higher education, and connect Syrian universities with international ones on a scientific basis, not political!

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the right of individuals to have the state secure high-quality education opportunities for all, regardless of their social and economic backgrounds or political affiliations, and the necessity of involving civil society in supporting and monitoring this right.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the importance of alignment between higher education and the job market.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the role of the state and civil society in improving the educational process, not sticking to a single curriculum through partnership in planning and execution.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of promoting the culture of scholarships, especially for higher education and for poorer and more needy classes, and the necessity of mobilizing businessmen, financiers, and religious leaders to encourage donations, almsgiving, and zakat funds to support the higher education sector, whether for universities, professors, or students.

The Syrian Future Movement supports technological education both as an educational tool and as an important educational sector to keep up with global developments.

The Syrian Future Movement considers scientific research a tributary to the progress of modern societies and the development of individuals, and a combatant against stagnation and backwardness.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the importance of scientific research in developing and renewing knowledge, and retraining professionals in scientific research writing to keep up with scientific progress globally.

The Syrian Future Movement considers scientific research a contributor to achieving sustainable development, an inevitable result thereof, and a necessary requirement for its occurrence.

The Syrian Future Movement seeks to enhance innovation, entrepreneurship, and the space for advanced technology and its applications in all economic, agricultural, health, military, and resource management sectors, through the window of scientific research.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the partnership between the state and civil society necessary to activate and support the scientific research path and to develop, strengthen, and innovate it.

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