Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and Science (1)

The Syrian Future Movement aims to “focus on science and education, and accurately study the Syrian situation to achieve comprehensive recovery in the education sector.”

The Syrian Future Movement regards the Syrian reality, regardless of its causes, as a grim reality in urgent need of rescue. In our journey, we have chosen “instead of cursing the darkness, to be a torchbearer.” Thus, within our capabilities in Northern Syria, we have contributed to the field of education and provided what is beneficial in building the mindset of the Syrian citizen (the cornerstone of both the present and future).

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of connecting Syrian consciousness to its scientific history, starting from the establishment of the “Ministry of Education” in 1918, managed by scientific and national figures like Sati’ al-Husri and Muhammad Kurd Ali. During the union with Egypt, it became the “Ministry of Education and Teaching,” and then its name was changed to “Ministry of Education” in 1966, tasked with education below the university level, and in the same year, a separate ministry for higher education was established.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the necessity of continuing the historical struggle of Syrians to elevate the level of education in Syria.

The Syrian Future Movement believes it is essential to increase the education budget for both pre-university and higher education levels, ensuring the education budget is prioritized over any other and subject to complete transparency to prevent corruption in this sector.

The Syrian Future Movement works with Syrian forces and elites to elevate the level of education in Syria, aiming to reach the standards of developed countries. It also stresses the importance of linking Syrian educational institutions with those in developed countries to benefit from their experience and achieve global leadership in education.

The Syrian Future Movement views the educational sector as an area available to Syrians without the interference of harsh international conspiracies or blatant political disputes. Therefore, we give it our utmost importance, believing in our ability to excel rapidly and reach benchmark levels if we properly utilize and adapt it to our advantage.

The Syrian Future Movement gives teaching staff significant importance from two aspects: 1- The necessity of increasing their financial salaries and incentives, 2- Creating an educational cadre linked with advanced global colleges, universities, and scientific centers.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the need to balance between public and private education, making private education accessible to all Syrians through state support and international community organizations for such projects.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in the necessity of depoliticizing the education sector and keeping it independent from any political, ideological, or doctrinal interventions.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the need to activate the real role of both teachers’ and students’ unions, especially at the university level, and to enhance the role of union work in general to address negatives, correct deficiencies, and present suggestions.

The Syrian Future Movement strives to provide easy and facilitated access to written, spoken, visual, and auditory information for both educators and learners, considering it a major factor in improving performance quality and advancing the educational process.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the need to secure the necessary scientific and logistical infrastructure for schools at all levels and universities in all branches, providing the necessary materials through development programs, aid, or proposing new projects.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the importance of spreading incentives in all forms, material and moral, especially at the elementary levels, as a first step to solving the problem of school dropout and starting the recovery in the scientific attainment sector at its early stages.

The Syrian Future Movement stresses the importance of launching awareness campaigns about the importance of science and academic achievement, making it a general social consciousness.

The Syrian Future Movement encourages the promotion of a culture of free competition in the educational sector through what is known as “advocacy campaigns,” considering it an important means of positive influence.

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