Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and Securing the Means for a Dignified Life

One of the clear objectives of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) is “to secure the necessary means for a dignified life in Syria in all its forms, which is deemed an essential right and duty for the citizen in their land and country.”

The Syrian Future Movement holds the Syrian regime responsible for its policies that have led Syria and its people to this dire social situation, unprecedented in all phases of Syrian history.

The Syrian Future Movement believes it is its duty, as well as the duty of Syrian elites and civil and national entities, to assist in reviving the means for a dignified life for the citizen, to secure these means, and to enable their access to them.

The Syrian Future Movement finds in the areas of northern Syria, outside the control of the Syrian regime, a possible focal point for reviving the means for a dignified life for the Syrian citizen, provided there is the intention and desire. It joins hands with everyone to create the appropriate conditions for this, and to make it a model to be emulated within a well-thought-out and organized plan.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that what is needed in Syria to revive the means for a dignified life involves combining international efforts related to this, in addition to our efforts as Syrians, whether individuals or groups, inside Syria and in the diaspora, in a way that serves the interest of the citizen and the safety, recovery, and welfare of the country.

The Syrian Future Movement initiates from its headquarters in the cities of Azaz and Afrin in northern Syria, undertaking necessary developmental, educational, and relief works as a first essential phase within the plan to revive the means for a dignified life in Syria as a whole. We work with pure Syrian efforts to expand our scope of work to include all Syrian regions.

The Syrian Future Movement carries a comprehensive vision for reviving the means for a dignified life for all Syrians without discrimination between city and another, capital and countryside, political stance, religion, or different ethnicity.

The Syrian Future Movement calls on civil entities and bodies to collaborate and work diligently, and to draw plans for the short and medium term to revive the means for a dignified life, especially for those from whom the war has taken these means.

The Syrian Future Movement works to mobilize all Syrians, both domestically and abroad, to work together within a common national action front, limited to what is agreed upon among them in a broad unified framework, to revive the means for a dignified life for Syrians in general.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that securing basic living necessities is a right of the people, not a favor from any authority or ruling system or responsible entity, all of whom are accountable in case of neglect, and are required to justify it, or to submit to a higher national judicial authority for addressing it.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that the will of the Syrian people and their rich and extensive history are capable of uplifting Syria from what the years of war have left behind, and of rebuilding the country towards a modern national state, which unites the contracts of Syrians away from tyranny and enslavement, reaching the revival of the sought-after means for a dignified life.

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