Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

Syrian Future Movement and Competence

The Syrian Future Movement is founded on the principle that “competence, expertise, academic and practical qualifications, and a good personal record are the basis for assuming responsibilities. There is no place for nepotism, kinship, factionalism, sectarianism, or corruption.”

The Syrian Future Movement believes that one of the social maladies implanted by the Assad regime in the state and society is the forced disappearance of competencies and the deliberate reliance on interests contrary to them.

The Syrian Future Movement observes that the current state of Syrian opposition institutions does not differ from the mentality of the Syrian regime in terms of the prevalence of nepotism, rampant corruption, and the rise of corrupt individuals.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the ability to perform tasks effectively and the duties related to governmental or political positions as fundamentally relying on the principle of competence in public office appointments, promoting the best and most distinguished in all areas and sectors of government, and even in the private sector.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that competence is a real reason for making informed decisions, implementing them effectively, and placing them in their proper and correct context.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the need for interaction between state institutions and citizens through the adoption of the competence principle, promoting it, then establishing and safeguarding it from any potential folly.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the activation of the competence principle as crucial for achieving sustainable development and stability in society.

The Syrian Future Movement views competence as being represented by specialized academic ability and cumulative practical experience, rather than personal justice or social background, and the like.

The Syrian Future Movement stresses the importance of considering a good personal record and setting clear, non-negotiable criteria for evaluating and proposing any individual for any potential position.

The Syrian Future Movement sees nepotism as a dangerous germ that devastates public institutions at the expense of competence and must be guarded against and not legitimized under any name or pretext.

The Syrian Future Movement considers the prioritization of kinship in public affairs and its cliquishness within state mechanisms as part of the danger of nepotism, which is rejected and condemned at the expense of competence, qualification, and good personal record.

The Syrian Future Movement views the factional division of Syrian society into different classes as leading to political control by a few individuals and families, threatening the state’s entity and making it vulnerable to internal collapse.

The Syrian Future Movement sees sectarianism as a latent disease created and exploited by the Assad regime for its benefit, and contends that confronting it should not involve ignoring it but rather bringing it to the surface to be addressed through the activation of pure national competence.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that today’s Syrian reality is saturated with corruption in all public aspects, and the absence of competencies and expertise. Studying individuals’ backgrounds and histories creates a fertile environment for corruption and the empowerment of the corrupt.

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