Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and National Consensus

Enhancing “national consensus and agreement” is a fundamental pillar for any political system and achieving constitutional legitimacy. Therefore, it has been one of the main principles and starting points for the Syrian Future Movement.

The Syrian Future Movement believes in diversity, not division, and in political pluralism, not repetition! It considers this diversity as enriching for the country and beneficial for the citizens, rejecting the idea of a single leading party.

The Syrian Future Movement sees that national consensus can only be achieved through a comprehensive contract that organizes political forces by agreeing on a unified and unifying political system.

The Syrian Future Movement views the lack of consensus on a particular political system as a cause for conflict and fragmentation of the national front, leading to uncertainty and the paralysis of institutions.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that moving away from dominance in political disagreements can only be achieved by reaching a consensus on a national constitutional contract.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the importance of achieving consensus on a political system that regulates the national political relationship, whether among thinkers, theorists, or political forces themselves, considering it a temporary challenge for all Syrian elites.

The Syrian Future Movement sees consensus on constitutional legitimacy as reassurance for all political forces, preventing future revenge through coups or conspiracies.

The Syrian Future Movement considers all Syrians advocating for national consensus as true partners in the national goal and path, regardless of their orientations and references.

The Syrian Future Movement attributes one of the main reasons for the 2011 Syrian revolution to the lack of a national agreement among political forces, due to the dominance of the Assad regime on one hand, and the loss of consensus between the authority and the people on the other.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the right of the Syrian people to form new political blocs that participate in public issues, engage with the national consensus, propose suggestions for its continuity, and consider their concerns without suppression or combat.

The Syrian Future Movement emphasizes the distinction between destructive disagreement and constructive difference. Disagreement prevents reaching an agreement on a real social contract, while constructive difference is any diversity based on the agreement and consensus on the general political system and constitutional legitimacy.

The Syrian Future Movement stresses the importance of the constitution’s sovereignty and its role in shaping the contract among Syrian forces, rejecting foreign guardianship or depriving Syrians of the choice to agree on a constitution that gains genuine national legitimacy.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that national consensus alone is capable of pulling Syria out of its quagmire, proving the Syrians’ ability to govern themselves.

The Syrian Future Movement considers national consensus the safest and best path to presenting correct solutions to shared national issues, politically, economically, socially, and in terms of human rights.

The Syrian Future Movement views achieving political consensus as a real success and a national gain for the Syrian revolution.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that reaching a stage of consensus on a regulating contract is essential for preserving the state from collapse, weakness, and fragmentation.

The Syrian Future Movement bets on the role of all patriotic Syrians from all regions and currents, considering them the healthy carrier and the popular core for achieving our goal in national consensus.

The Syrian Future Movement looks to the future with a practical understanding, earnestly breaking the current rigidity among political forces. Therefore, our steadfast political stance is based on the interest of achieving consensus and agreement around a unifying national Syrian political system.

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