Papers of the Syrian Future MovementRegulatory office

The Syrian Future Movement and Achieving Needs and Improvements

Just as a well-constructed building requires a solid foundation, then partitioning of its rooms to fulfill needs, followed by improvements represented by the selection of furniture and decor, similarly, fulfilling human life necessities requires establishing sound foundations for a strong, national, and just state structure. This is based on preserving the five essentials we previously discussed; then securing improvements to help the nation’s citizens reach a stage of prosperity, considering it a primary goal of political and civil work. Ensuring these improvements is a fundamental task pursued by all state institutions to achieve.

Hence, the founders of the Syrian Future Movement aim to “achieve needs and improvements through the Priority Program.”

The Syrian Future Movement believes that Syria requires an effort built on the foundations of the Priority Program, which assigns appropriate importance to each issue, avoiding prioritizing improvements over needs or vice versa.

The Syrian Future Movement sees the primary task of political forces and civil society as establishing the necessary foundations for the Syrian people, making them the top priority to overcome the consequences of the war on both the nation and its citizens.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that fulfilling needs is the responsibility of political forces and civil society without any favor or grace. This involves easing the difficulties and hardships on the Syrian people politically, economically, and socially, through the daily realities of life and adapting to new developments without compromising the quality of life or the aspiration for a secure and peaceful future.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that a need may become as crucial as a necessity if it poses an existential threat to the state, society, and citizens, such as ending the scattered checkpoints, the need for free movement throughout the country, and ending the situation of camps by establishing sufficient housing for the entire population.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that reaching a stage of prosperity (improvements) is the ultimate goal of political and civil work, achieved by believing in and establishing the foundations of national partnership by all Syrians, each in their respective expertise and field.

The Syrian Future Movement views that the highest goal of political and civil work is to establish and protect the culture of political, intellectual, religious, and social freedom in all its forms, and not to allow any harm or destabilization that could damage national partnership (the main carrier for achieving both needs and improvements) in the same nation.

The Syrian Future Movement views supporting the middle class in society as a noble goal and one of the necessities that must be addressed through free economic reform.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that the work is vast, the burden is heavy, and the road is long to reach the goal of improvements.

The Syrian Future Movement rallies spirits and unites all efforts through the Priority Program to establish “necessities” as a sacred right for Syrians, then to fulfill “needs” as a mandatory duty, and finally to spread prosperity (improvements) across all Syrian territories, proportionate to Syria’s cultural and historical stature.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that achieving the aforementioned requires, first and foremost, the establishment of a strong, just state, whose foundations are built on the national partnership among its Syrian people, to uplift their condition, secure their needs, and oversee their improvements.

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