Official congratulationsPolitical officepresident SFM

Congratulations to the Syrian National Coalition on the occasion of its anniversary

The Syrian Future Movement congratulates the Syrian National Coalition on its anniversary and their numerous achievements.

The Syrian Future Movement welcomes the three goals of the Syrian National Coalition, represented by:

  1. Building a democratic, pluralistic state based on the rule of law and human rights.
  2. Rebuilding Syria.
  3. Strengthening the unity of the Syrian people.

The Syrian Future Movement shares these three goals with its friends in the Syrian National Coalition and emphasizes the importance of solidifying them and raising awareness about their significance.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for these three goals to serve as a transitional action plan that garners collective support.

The Syrian Future Movement welcomes any national collaboration with the Syrian National Coalition, especially regarding these goals and their reinforcement in Syria’s current path and journey.

The Syrian Future Movement envisions a Syria where currents, entities, and parties of all diversities compete on a solid foundation of respect and complementarity.

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