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News for Monday, December 4, 2023.

(SFM) News:
The Scientific Office, Independent Researchers Department, has published a study by Dr. Basel Al-Maarawi titled: “The Future of Humanitarian Aid in Northern Syria.”

To empower Syrian youth, the Syrian Future Movement is conducting training on the use of artificial intelligence at its office in Azaz.

Continuation of education programs for our children who have dropped out of school in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz in northern Syria.

Domestic News:
Except for specific categories, the World Food Programme announces the end of food aid in Syria.

Clashes between factions of the Third Corps in Tel Abyad, with intervention by the Turkish army.

“Assad’s Amnesty” keeps military judiciary detainees in custody.

Under the pretext of violating curfew, “SDF” kills a woman and injures a child in eastern Deir ez-Zor.

The highest number in areas controlled by the Syrian regime: 232 suicide cases registered in Syria during 2023.

Israeli airstrike in Sayyida Zainab targets “Unit 340” in the Revolutionary Guard.

A new decision by Bashar al-Assad regarding retention and recall to his army.

Leak of secret documents: “Ba’ath Brigades” militia involved in smuggling for “ISIS.”

The Syrian regime rejects the decision to prevent it from acquiring “chemical materials.”

Related News:
Iran threatens to respond to the killing of two Revolutionary Guard members in Syria.

With drones and missiles: New attacks on 4 American bases in Syria and Iraq.

International News:
Israel investigates claims of investors’ prior knowledge of the “Al-Aqsa Flood.”

COP28 President: We brought together the U.S. and China in an “unprecedented” commitment.

The UAE agrees with a company affiliated with Bill Gates to study the development of nuclear reactors.

Gold records a record price exceeding $2100 per ounce.

Russian authorities tempt soldiers’ wives with money and blackmail them for silence.

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