Media OfficeNews

News on Wednesday 4 – 10 – 2023

(SFM) News:

  • Visit by the president of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), Dr. Zaher Baadarani, to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Midad Organization in his office.
  • Our scientific office (SFM) continues the program of teaching the Arabic language and the Quran for free for our children in Northern Syria.

Domestic News:

  • The local council in the city of Jarablus imposes heavy fines on human trafficking?
  • Bombardment by the Syrian regime on the village of Sarmeen in the Idlib countryside.
  • The Syrian regime adjusts the quantities of gasoline for deserving vehicles.
  • A Turkish drone targets a QSD ammunition factory 60 km deep inside Syria.
  • The Syrian Network for Human Rights has issued its monthly report on human rights violations by the parties to the conflict.
  • Targeting a vehicle of QSD elements resulted in their death in Manbij, east of Aleppo.
  • Bashar al-Assad issues a law to regulate hunting.

Related News:

  • The Turkish Foreign Minister meets a delegation from the Syrian opposition.
  • The French judiciary postpones consideration of the lawsuit against “Lafarge” because of its activities in Syria.
  • Turkish intelligence kills one of the planners of the “Taksim” terrorist attack by targeting him in Hassakeh.
  • The Lebanese Ministry of Interior issues decisions to tighten restrictions on Syrians in Lebanon.
  • A unit of the Lebanese army and a patrol from the Directorate of Intelligence raided Syrian refugees in the “Al-Koura” area.
  • Lebanese media reveals a visit by the Acting Director-General of the Lebanese General Security, Major General Elias Al-Baissari, to Damascus last week.

International News:

  • Nearly 1,500 Israelis storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • France prosecutes extreme leftists on charges of terrorism, including a sniper from QSD.
  • The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to three European scientists for their efforts in discovering and developing quantum dots.
  • The US House of Representatives dismisses its chairman, “Kevin McCarthy”, in a historic precedent.
  • Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi nominates himself for the Egyptian presidential elections.
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