Media Officetoday news

News for Saturday, June 29, 2024.

News from the Syrian Future Movement:

  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published in “The Current’s Shield” Shield No. (21) honoring the free Syrian son Father “Paolo Dall’Oglio.”
  • The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published Revolution Cartoon No. (30) of the Syrian revolution.
  • Tawad Educational Schools in Afrin intensify activities with students during the summer period to enhance their education level, address shortcomings, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Domestic News:

  • The Ministry of Awqaf in the Syrian regime government reveals the number of Syrians who died during Hajj and clarifies that the reasons were health-related.
  • Residents of Deir ez-Zor face Iranian threats by selling their homes.
  • The National Coalition: The solution in Syria does not lie in reaching agreements between states and the regime.
  • Due to regime neglect, Al-Qamishli Hospital has turned into a shelter for stray dogs.
  • Firefighting teams face forest fires in Syrian regime areas with limited capabilities and meager wages.
  • 21 people injured in a collision between two cars north of Aleppo.
  • Dozens of infections during the week… Leishmaniasis spreads in Al-Hasakah.
  • A strong dust storm claims the life of a young woman in Al-Hasakah.
  • In one day… 20 fires in various areas of northwestern Syria.

Related News:

  • Iranian militias establish new points in the Badia Al-Bukamal.
  • Egypt reaffirms its determination to deport any refugee or foreigner violating residency regulations.
  • The Syrian Network condemns the killing of a refugee in Syrian regime prisons forcibly returned from Lebanon.
  • A new Lebanese municipality warns Syrians, while another seals apartments with red wax.

International News:

  • The New York Times calls on Biden to withdraw his nomination after a debate that raised concerns among Democrats.
  • Bazargan and Jalili head to a decisive runoff in the Iranian presidential elections.
  • Washington requests Iraq to close its airspace to Iranian planes heading to Syria and Lebanon.
  • Iranian opposition describes presidential elections as a “retrogressive farce.”
  • Saudi Arabia asks its citizens to leave Lebanese territories immediately.
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