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Wednesday News Summary 29-05-24.

SFM News:
The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: “Putin Kills His Opponents Inside and Outside of Prison.”

The “Tuwaad” educational school chain, part of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), continues its program of teaching free basic education courses to its students at both its locations in A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Military movements and convoys of the Syrian regime in Homs.

Russia is training Syrian regime forces on artillery.

Israeli airstrike targets a Syrian regime position southeast of Homs.

Casualties among “SDF” after a Turkish drone targeted their vehicle north of Hasakah.

The Syrian regime announces the capture of two weapon warehouses in areas bordering Jordan.

A member of the regime accidentally ends his own life in Daraa.

“National Coalition”: Solving humanitarian crises in Syria is contingent upon achieving a political solution.

Gas cylinder prices have risen to 300,000.. Gas delivery in Daraa is delayed by 90 days.

“The Authority” announces a new targeting of its locations in Idlib, the second in 24 hours.

The Syrian regime arrests a young man in rural Damascus immediately upon his return from Lebanon with refugee convoys.

9,194 candidates for the Syrian regime’s parliamentary elections, more than a third are workers and farmers.

Ilham Ahmed: No signs of agreement with the Syrian regime.

16 fires in northwest Syria in a single day.

Bashar al-Assad offers condolences to Ali Aslan on the death of his wife.

“SDF” arrests a journalist who documented farmers’ protests in Raqqa and forces him to delete recordings.

Related News:
Washington condemns the “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” attack on protesters in Idlib.

“Turkish National Security” confirms the continued fight against PKK and YPG in Syria.

António Guterres: Humanitarian aid alone is not a solution to the Syrian crisis.

Moscow comments on the Brussels Conference: The West plunders Syrian resources and prevents the return of refugees.

Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and Egypt received $6 billion from Brussels 7 for hosting Syrians.

International News:
Lebanon retracts permission for the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes on its territory.

Days after its establishment, the Pentagon announces the removal of Gaza’s floating dock for repairs.

The Knesset: About 18,000 Israelis received psychological treatment in the first months of the war.

Israel announces that the war will continue until early 2025.

The Israeli military concludes training “simulating war on the Lebanese border.”

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