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Tuesday News Summary 28-05-24.

SFM News:
The Political Bureau of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued a statement titled: About the comprehensive Turkish plan for a solution in Syria.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: The specter of death pursues Iranian leaders.

The Political Bureau of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: Ongoing war, and Syria is not safe.

The “Tawad” educational school chain, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), continues its program of teaching free basic education courses to its students in both its headquarters in A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Two children martyred and an infant injured by a Syrian regime guided missile targeting a civilian car west of Aleppo.

Half of the medical facilities may stop by the end of 2024, and the Idlib Health Directorate discusses the crisis of stopping support.

Despite protests, the “Autonomous Administration” refuses to adjust the wheat price in northeast Syria.

Negotiation Authority: Syrians’ needs far exceed the assistance allocated at the Brussels conference.

“Response Coordinators” doubt the commitments of donor countries at the Brussels conference.

“The Military Housing” opens the subscription for residential apartments in Syria.

Following a verbal altercation… a “SDF” patrol kills a young man and injures his brother in Raqqa.

After mediators intervened… kidnappers release the director of fuels in Sweida.

“Humanity First” village.. the Qatari Crescent opens the largest double-decker displaced persons assembly in northern Syria.

By surrounding a security center.. forcing the Syrian regime to release detainees from Daraa.

“SDF” carries out an arrest campaign in Raqqa against protesters over the low wheat price.

After the assassination of a public security member.. the “Salvation Government” vows to pursue the perpetrators.

With 270 people on board.. the first Hajj flights from Syria commence.

An Israeli force infiltrates inside Syrian territory in Quneitra.

Postponement of the second batch of Deir ez-Zor families’ exit from Al-Hol camp.

Targeting a vehicle and a military point of the “Revolutionary Guards” east of Homs.

After the Khiam massacre.. a solidarity stand with Gaza in Idlib.

An Israeli force infiltrates inside Syrian territory in Quneitra.

Related News:
$8.1 billion.. pledges of grants and loans to support Syrians in “Brussels 2024”.

The European Union extends sanctions on the Syrian regime for an additional year.

Lebanese Minister of the Displaced: We demand open seas for Syrians and compensation for Lebanon for their presence.

Bahçeli calls for a military operation coordinated with the Syrian regime to end “SDF”.

Pedersen: Syrian refugees stuck between pressures of host countries and lack of trust in livelihoods.

UN Commissioner calls on the Syrian regime and donor entities to intensify efforts to repatriate refugees.

International News:
10 tons of drugs and 6,000 detainees in 5 months.. Iraq seizes 2.5 million Captagon pills.

A new massacre in displaced camps.. 20 Palestinians killed by Israeli shelling on Rafah.

At Algeria’s request.. an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss the situation in Rafah.

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