Media OfficeNews

Saturday News Summary 27-04-24.

(SFM) News:

  • The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “The Quran and Quranic Jurisprudence.”
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement published an article titled: “Pluralism or Independence? What the Syrian Media Needs!”
  • From the memory of the Syrian revolution on April 27, 2015, the Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement commemorated the liberation of the Qarmeed Camp south of Idlib by the factions of the Syrian revolution.
  • “Tawad” Educational Schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program to teach the curriculum of free basic education to their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

  • An explosion targets a leader in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Manbij, east of Aleppo.
  • Three volunteers in the Civil Defense suffer from suffocation while extinguishing a fire in a tanker in Idlib.
  • A water pump in Homs causes the death of three children within 9 days.
  • The “Political Body” of Hasakah Province declares its adherence to the Document of the Three Regions.
  • Arrest campaign follows the targeting of a convoy of regime forces east of Deir ez-Zor.
  • Due to a play, the SDF arrests a writer and an actor who criticized violations in northeastern Syria.
  • Tartous Meteorology warns against pages spreading panic about the weather and requests their shutdown.
  • Seven civilians injured in a traffic accident and regime shelling in Aleppo countryside.
  • Release and summons of specific categories of Syrian regime forces.
  • The Interim Government issues a statement regarding the events of the “Al-Mu’tasim Brigade” and the fate of the detained leaders.
  • Regime forces deploy additional military reinforcements to Sweida province.
  • Seven civilians injured in a traffic accident and regime shelling in Aleppo countryside.
  • A young man dies in Damascus due to a falling tree caused by a sudden storm.
  • The Syrian Negotiation Commission holds a consultative meeting on detainees and transitional justice.
  • “Tahrir al-Sham” attacks a site for regime forces west of Aleppo and seizes a tank.

Related News:

  • Tajikistan retrieves 50 children and a woman from camps in northeastern Syria.
  • Setting a date and requirements for Syrian registration for Hajj in the offices of Qatar and Erbil.
  • Iran holds a mourning council in Baghdad for a “religious leader” killed in northern Daraa.
  • International News:
  • The Houthi group announces targeting a British oil tanker and downing an American drone.
  • The French judiciary accuses seven individuals of financing the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.
  • In support of Palestine, protests by American university students escalate.
  • Greece refuses to send S-300 and Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine.
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