Media Officetoday news

Saturday News, January 27, 2024.

(SFM) News:

  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: “The Slow Demographic Change, Babsqa Camp as a Model.”
  • The Media Office of SFM released “The Syrian Future Movement Shield” with the title: “The Honored Number (11) Mary Ajami.”
  • The Political Office of SFM issued a statement titled: “Regarding the Renewal of Temporary Residences and Work Permits for Syrians in America.”
  • The Organizational Office of SFM published a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and the Preservation of the Five Necessities.”
  • The “Tawad” Educational School Series, affiliated with SFM, continues to provide a free basic education curriculum for its students in both its headquarters in the cities of Azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

  • A child killed and two of his family members injured in clashes between the Syrian regime forces and SDF in Deir ez-Zor.
  • Two members of the Iranian militias killed in an ISIS attack south of Deir ez-Zor.
  • SDF warns of ISIS’s plans to storm al-Hol camp.
  • Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham concludes investigations regarding the “file of agents.”
  • The Syrian regime’s interior ministry arrests a “dangerous gang” in Damascus that used bombs for theft and extortion.
  • A “sea dragon” causes damage in Latakia and Tartus.
  • Families in Sweida agree to target “firewood gangs.”
  • Winter response for the displaced: 193 camps in northwestern Syria did not receive heating materials.
  • Jarabulus: A woman and her fetus killed, and her husband injured, due to a renewed tribal dispute.

Related News:

  • Iranian militias continue to target American bases in Syria and Iraq.
  • For the first time in Belgium, a militia leader loyal to Assad is arrested on charges of committing war crimes.

International News:

  • Emergency Security Council meeting requested by Algeria following the “International Justice” decision on Gaza.
  • China seeks Iran’s help to stop Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
  • France publishes controversial immigration law in the official journal.
  • The U.S. State Department notifies Congress of its approval to sell “F-16” aircraft to Turkey.
  • On day 113, Israel continues to bombard the Gaza Strip, and the “International Justice” decision reaches the United Nations.
  • Israel welcomes Washington’s decision to suspend funding for UNRWA.
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