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Wednesday, 27th September 2023 News.

Wednesday, 27th September 2023 News.

(SFM) News:
The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) congratulates Muslims in general and Syrians in particular on the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Our scientific office (SFM) continues its program of teaching the Arabic language and the Quran for free to our orphaned children in Northern Syria.

Domestic News:

A temporary truce under Turkish pressure halts clashes between the Liberation of Sham and the Second Corps in the Aleppo countryside.

The U.S. Department of State calls Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri, affirming its support for the Sweida movement.

The Negotiation Body meets with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Syrian “Migration and Passports” office extends its working hours until midnight.

A demonstration in the city of Al-Bab protesting the expansion of the Liberation of Sham in the Aleppo countryside.

Related News:

Gulf countries and Britain reaffirm their commitment to a comprehensive political solution in Syria in accordance with Resolution 2254.

The UAE demands that the Syrian regime address the Captagon and refugee files.

The Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University obtains international accreditation under certain conditions.

International News:

Iran announces the launch of the third military satellite for the Revolutionary Guard under the name “Nour 3”.

Hundreds killed and injured in a wedding hall fire in Nineveh, Iraq, and the Iraqi government declares mourning.

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