Media Officetoday news

News on Thursday, 26-10-2023.

(SFM) News:
Our scientific office (SFM) continues the program of educating our children who have dropped out of school in “Tawad” schools in the cities of Afrin and A’azaz, northern Syria.

Domestic News:
The Syrian Network for Human Rights confirms the involvement of the Syrian regime in a massacre in the countryside of Hama.

Civilian casualties in the regime’s artillery bombardment on the city of Idlib.

A settlement with tribal fighters alongside the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces).

The Syrian regime announces Russian reinforcements on the frontlines in the southern countryside of Idlib.

A third murder crime in Suwayda within a week.

Related News:
Missile bombardment targets the American base “Kharab al-Jir” in northeastern Syria.

The Israeli ambassador to Moscow clarifies the continuation of the “deconfliction” mechanism in Syria.

International News:
20 days into the Gaza war amid European division, Arab condemnation, and Turkish criticism.

The USA prepares to deploy 10 air defense systems in Iraq, Syria, and the Gulf.

A new president of the US Congress is elected three weeks after the dismissal of the previous president.

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