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Wednesday News Summary, 26-06-2024

SFM News:
The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published a report on the Syrian Future Movement’s participation in a meeting on human rights for refugees and victims of torture in Lebanon.

Tawad Educational Schools Chain in Afrin are intensively engaging with their students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:
Most of them by the Syrian regime.. More than 15,000 people have been killed under torture in Syria since 2011.

Assad shows Lavrentiev his openness to relations with Turkey while maintaining his preconditions.

“Abu Hassan 600” removed from military leadership of “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.”

Daraa records two new assassinations targeting members of the “Military Security.”

A “Fourth Division” checkpoint robs Hasakah pilgrims of their money, belongings, and gifts.

Security chaos in Daraa.. A body showing signs of torture found in Al-Muzayrib and an explosion in Al-Sanamayn.

Agreement between local factions and Syrian regime forces to end tensions in Suwayda.

Despite low salaries, the Syrian regime raises consultation and hospital fees by 600%.

One killed and 12 injured as a ride collapses in an amusement park in Daraa.

A dust storm hits northwestern Syria, and Civil Defense issues advice to residents.

Three factions merge into the National Army under the name “Renaissance and Liberation Movement.”

Related News:
United Kingdom: Safe return of Syrian refugees to their country is not possible.

Najate Rochdi: The UN envoy is working on a new comprehensive approach to the political process in Syria.

Additional items in the U.S. State Department budget regarding Syria.

America: The Assad regime is the main producer of captagon and earns significant revenues from it.

Sweden supports the “Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons” team in Syria with 2 million kronor.

“Historic decision”.. Paris Court of Appeal endorses an arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad.

International News:
Amid the ongoing war, Ukraine begins talks on joining the European Union.

United Nations: The Sudanese war has forced 600,000 people to flee to Chad.

In five months, electric car sales jumped by 257 percent in Turkey.

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