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Tuesday News Summary, 25-06-2024

SFM News:
The Syrian Future Movement launches a training titled: Skills for Using Artificial Intelligence.

Tawad Educational Schools Chain in Afrin are intensively engaging with their students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:
New arrest campaign by the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) in Hasakah, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor.

The shutdown of the Alouk station and rising temperatures exacerbate the water crisis in Hasakah.

A PKK leader who led attacks against the “Peace Spring” area was killed in an explosion in northeastern Syria.

Despite its modest value, the Eid al-Adha grant did not reach Hama from the Syrian regime government.

Israeli aircraft dropped leaflets over Quneitra.

Two SDF members were killed in an attack south of Hasakah.

Gunfire, explosions, and rising tensions return to Suwayda.

A policeman was shot dead in Homs, and the perpetrator fled.

ISIS burned an oil well in eastern Deir Ezzor as punishment for its investor who refused to pay zakat.

A tragic accident in an amusement park in Daraa resulted in one death and eight injuries.

A young man and a child were injured when a grenade was thrown at their house in rural Daraa.

With over 2,000 wanted individuals, drug-related crimes in Damascus have hit a record high.

Related News:
An American report classifies Syria among the 13 worst countries globally for human trafficking.

Fidan urges the Syrian regime to take advantage of the calm and achieve “peace with its opponents.”

A “historic decision”: the French judiciary is considering endorsing an arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad.

International News:
As elections approach, Emmanuel Macron warns of civil war in France.

In an American deal, WikiLeaks founder is released after 1,901 days in British prison.

Targeting 50 entities and individuals, the U.S. Treasury imposes new sanctions on Iran.

Among them 7 in Gaza, the Israeli army reveals that 13 of its soldiers were injured in 24 hours.

As the exchange of shelling continues with Hezbollah, Israel renews bombing on Lebanese towns.

In an “unprecedented statement,” dozens of Israeli soldiers refuse to fight in Gaza.

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