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Monday News Summary 25/03/24.

(SFM) News:

The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a program: “Verse and Goal (15)” with the episode titled “Accountability.”

The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement released a paper titled: “The Syrian Future Movement and Health Development.”

The Independent Researchers Department published an article titled: “Determinants of National Work.”

The Tawad Educational Series, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continues teaching the curriculum of free basic education to its students in its centers in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:
Wild dogs terrify the residents of Latakia, and attempts to get rid of the predators fail.

110 killed in massacres in Al-Qamishli in Syria since the beginning of the season.

Despite their dire circumstances, the Syrian regime calls on Syrians to support educational institutions “without coercion.”

Electricity outage sparks protests against the SDF in Deir ez-Zor.

A legal group affiliated with the coalition recommends establishing a “Supreme Judicial Council” in northern Syria.

Reaching the “deficit limit”… severe water shortage in rural Damascus areas.

Al-Mouwasat Hospital confirms cases of the “JN.1” variant.

Regime forces kill a person in southern Idlib by targeting him with a FPV aircraft.

Strong winds and heavy rains… powerful storm halts navigation on the Syrian coast.

Under the banner of the “Protection Units” and images of Öcalan… Nowruz celebrations in Damascus.

6 prisoners killed and 15 others injured after an attempted escape from an SDF prison in Raqqa.

Of Iraqi nationality… SDF announces the killing of an ISIS leader in Raqqa.

Astronaut Mohammad Fares addresses Syrians from inside the hospital: Do not despair, we will prevail.

Related News:
America: Russia continues to protect Bashar al-Assad from accountability and obstruct the political solution process.

Pakistani judiciary refuses to evacuate a Pakistani family detained by the SDF in Syria.

The Syrian regime’s embassy in Moscow lowers its flag in solidarity with the victims of the “Krokus” attack.

Iran cuts off salaries to pro-regime groups, igniting a dispute in Aleppo.

International News:
Russia doubts ISIS’s responsibility for the bloody attack in Moscow.

Tunisia: Rescue of 663 migrants and recovery of 5 bodies from the sea following the thwarting of 16 migration attempts.

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