Media Officetoday news

Saturday, February 24, 2024 News:

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement honored, within the “Shield of the Movement” awards, Mr. Issam Al-Attar, the legendary revolutionary.

The Syrian Future Movement and the White Hands team awarded certificates of completion for attending “Computer Skills” training.

Domestic News:
The National Army announces progress in establishing a military college in the countryside of Aleppo.

Iranian militias begin constructing a network of tunnels in Deir ez-Zor.

Five killed in the desert of Tadmur… a new toll of victims in the “Al-Kama’a” season.

An investigation is opened due to a decision to search women at checkpoints in Afrin, northern Aleppo.

The Russian army trains regime forces to counteract drones.

Traffic accidents cause more injuries among civilians in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo.

The regime government considers establishing the largest skiing area in Syria.

A member of the “Free Army” killed inside the prisons of “Tahrir al-Sham.”

The White Helmets insist on holding all responsible parties accountable for chemical weapon attacks.

Five people killed in an attack on shepherds in the countryside of Homs.

Related News:
Kyrgyzstan retrieves 99 women and children who were detained in camps in northeastern Syria.

The Economist: The Syrian regime has registered its ships in an obscure African country.

The “ISIS bride” loses her appeal against the decision to revoke her British citizenship.

International News:
Brazilian President: What Israel is doing is not war but genocide.

The United States and the European Union impose hundreds of sanctions on Russia.

A German court rejects a lawsuit to halt the construction of housing for refugees.

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