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Tuesday News Summary 22-04-24.

(SFM) News:

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement published a podcast titled “Syrian Future Movement: Real (17) General Goals of the Syrian Future Movement.”

The organizational office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled “Syrian Future Movement and Urban Development.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement recalls the memory of the Syrian revolution on April 23, 2015, when several factions of the Syrian revolution launched two battles aimed at liberating the areas of Jisr al-Shughour in the western countryside of Idlib and the Ghab plain in the countryside of Hama.

The “Tawad” educational schools, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement, continue their program of teaching free basic education curriculum to their students in their headquarters in the cities of A’azaz and Afrin.

Domestic News:

The Syrian Embassy in Qatar holds a mourning council for Brigadier Mohammed Fares.

One martyr and several wounded in regime shelling on the countryside of Aleppo.

Tribal clashes in Jarabulus claim the life of a girl who was preparing to take the preparatory school exams.

A curfew imposed in Jarabulus in preparation for a security campaign against those responsible for tribal clashes.

Related News:

United States: The departure of Brigadier Mohammed Fares is a great loss to the Syrians and the world at large.

European Union: The Brussels conference is an opportunity for Syrians and our stance on the regime has not changed.

Germany prosecutes a Syrian on charges of purchasing military equipment for “Ahrar al-Sham.”

Germany: Mohammed Fares leaves an indelible mark and will remain an inspiration for future generations.

Assassination of one of Iran’s arms in Daraa affiliated with Khamenei’s office in Syria.

International News:

The death of Sheikh Hassan Efendi, leader of the Turkish group “Isma’il Agha.”

Israel announces the assassination of leaders in the Air Unit of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

They were collecting “alms”… 36 suspected ISIS members arrested in Turkey.

Erdogan meets with Nechirvan and Masrour Barzani in Erbil.

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