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Friday News Summary 22/03/24.

(SFM) News:

The Religious Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a program titled “Verse and Goal (12)” with the episode title: “The Balance.”

The Organizational Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a paper titled “The Syrian Future Movement and Culture.”

Domestic News:
Clashes between the families of a kidnapped girl and the “Revolutionary Youth” in Ain al-Arab “Kobani.”

New deaths among wheat collectors shot by “ISIS” in the Raqqa countryside.

Two killed and four injured by unknown gunmen in the Al-Sad Road neighborhood in Daraa.

The United Nations appeals for $4 billion in aid for Syria.

A month of protests… Demonstrations in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo demanding the trial of al-Julani.

Police forces in Azaz arrest two individuals on charges of promoting and using drugs.

Renewed activism in the Square of Dignity in Sweida alongside celebrations of Mother’s Day and Nowruz.

The head of the interim government links the explosion of the shepherd to the state of investment and the anniversary of the revolution.

The fourth tragedy in winter… Damage to 100 tents for the displaced in northern Syria due to floods.

New integration of Syrian regime agencies… Political, criminal, and police departments merged into one entity.

The National Army detonates a building belonging to the “SDF” in eastern Aleppo, killing 5 members.

The Syrian regime emphasizes the necessity of granting full powers to UN agencies in Damascus in coordination with it.

Related News:
Occupied Syrian Golan and the Progressive Socialist Party support the document “The Three Areas.”

United States: Sanctions remain until tangible progress towards a political solution in Syria is achieved.

American military personnel commemorate the killing of 9 members of the “SDF” in northeast Syria.

Iran calls for lifting sanctions on the Syrian regime and the withdrawal of US forces from the country.

Turkish intelligence targets a leader in the “PKK” in Al-Qamishli.

United Kingdom: We continue to take measures to combat the Syrian regime’s trade in Captagon.

Turkey calls for fulfilling conditions for the safe and voluntary return of Syrian refugees.

Child Rescue: Retrieval of children and women from the Al-Hawl camp in Syria has decreased by 50%.

International News:
Canada arrests two women after evacuating them from an ISIS prisoner camp.

“Israel walks a tightrope”… Relations with Russia in crisis.

The United Nations adopts its first resolution on artificial intelligence to protect data and human rights.

Fuel prices rise in Egypt as inflation increases.

Canada arrests two women after evacuating them from an ISIS prisoner camp.

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