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Tuesday News Summary 21-05-24.

(SFM) News:
The Political Bureau of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published an article titled: “Syria after the assassination of the presidents.”

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: “Bashar.. and the Sweida Revolution.”

From the memory of the Syrian Revolution on May 21, 2013, the Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) recalls an event from this day in 2013, when the youngest journalist in the Syrian Revolution, Omar Haitham Qatifaan, 14 years old, was killed by sniper fire from regime forces while filming clashes in the Sweidan Market in Daraa Al-Balad, in the Battle of the High Spears.

The “Tawad” educational chain, affiliated with the Syrian Future Movement (SFM), continues its program of teaching free basic education courses to its students at both its headquarters in A’azaz and Afrin.

Internal News:
Protesters storm the local council in A’azaz to close the market road.

A family of a kidnapped individual in Sweida escalates after discovering their son was handed over to the intelligence.

“Syrian Democratic Forces” express condolences to Iran over the death of its president.

A tribal meeting in Aleppo ends with trouble and burning the tent due to raising a picture of Ramzan Kadyrov.

Artillery shelling targets a camp in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

Prisoners riot inside one of the “SDF” detention facilities in Manbij.

Syrian regime military reinforcements in the Syrian desert after escalating attacks against its forces.

Strike by subsidised bread ovens in Al-Hasakah after “SDF” raised the flour price by 100 percent.

Losses among regime forces in a new attack by “ISIS” east of Homs.

“In grief over the president’s death”.. the Syrian regime government cancels artistic events.

Farmers in Daraa demand to expedite the wheat harvest collection to protect it from fires.

The food security crisis in northern Syria escalates, with most families reducing meal numbers.

With rising temperatures, a significant increase in the number of fires in northwest Syria.

The Syrian regime announces Asma Al-Assad’s renewed cancer diagnosis.

The death toll rises from the Israeli raid on Al-Qusayr in rural Homs.

Related News:
The U.S. Department of State on Majd Kam Almaz’s death: Bureaucratic issues hindered his detention classification.

The trial in absentia of Ali Mamlouk, Jamil Al-Hassan, and Abdulsalam Mahmoud begins in France.

Commenting on the death of Majd Kam Almaz, Jim Rich urges Biden to hold “Assad” accountable.

“The Syrian Network” calls on Washington to take the utmost measures against the regime after killing Kam Almaz.

Moscow prosecutes two artists due to a play about recruiting Russian women in Syria.

The Lebanese army intercepts a truck loaded with weapons coming from Syria.

Days after the Arab Summit, Jordan seizes a large Captagon shipment at the Jaber crossing with Syria.

International News:
The American President condemns the International Court’s request to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu.

The U.S. National Security Advisor presents Israel with an updated proposal for normalization with Saudi Arabia.

Assassination of a missile unit leader in “Hezbollah” in southern Lebanon.

Ben-Gvir renews the call for the deportation of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan declares a one-day mourning in Turkey for the death of the Iranian president.

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